Benefits of Therapy

Benefits of Counseling

Whether you are considering counseling for yourself, a family member, or a friend, it will be important for you to understand what counseling is as well as its benefits before making an appointment. The following information is by no means all inclusive, but will serve as a brief introduction to the many benefits of therapy.

What is Counseling?

Counseling is a collaborative process between the client(s) and therapist that facilitates the development of insight, self-discovery, and practical tools to deal with difficult life situations. Whether your interest in therapy is voluntary or required, you and your therapist will work toward mutual goals to increase emotional, mental, spiritual, and/or relational well-being. Counseling is also appropriate for those simply wanting to increase their quality of life.

What are the Benefits of Counseling?

Making a decision to go to counseling takes a lot of strength and courage. If you are willing to be an active participant in the therapy process, attend sessions on time, and are open and honest with your therapist, you are likely to encounter many of the reported benefits of therapy:

  • Feel better about yourself
  • Feel more secure and at peace
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Cope with change better
  • Feel more connected to your partner and family
  • Work through problems with a skilled caring professional
  • Identify goals and strategies to get there
  • Learn new behaviors and responses
  • Learn more about yourself
  • Find purpose and meaning in life
  • Get a better perspective and see situations differently
  • Understand people better and feel more understood
  • Work towards greater life satisfaction
  • Increase motivation and productivity
  • Identify and live more congruently with your values
  • Learn how to better live your faith
  • Improve relationships
  • Be a better parent, partner, and/or friend
  • Discuss troubling personal issues and work towards a solution
  • And much, much, more

If you still have questions about the benefits of counseling, how it can specifically help you, or would like to schedule a first session, please call Brad Nowlin at 817-676-5904